Welcome to my site!

I developed this website at miketrigg.com as a single home for my writing and other creative endeavors. Principal among these projects is my debut novel, Bit Flip. I recently completed a first draft of the manuscript and am in the midst of editing, thanks to a handful of intrepid readers who have volunteered to read the novel and provide me feedback. You can read more about the book here.

Ideally, I would like to secure a traditional publishing deal for this novel. So I am currently seeking representation from a literary agent. Finding an agent for a first-time author is difficult, and I have been tirelessly reaching out to agents that focus on this genre. If you are potentially interested or can refer an agent, please contact me or connect with me on social media. Ultimately, in the event the traditional publishing route doesn’t work out, I plan to self-publish.

If you are a friend, family member, professional connection, fan of corporate thrillers or just want to see more new authors get a break, the most helpful thing you can do is subscribe to my updates. In addition to the latest information about my book, you’ll receive my blog posts, newsletters and more. Plus, by building a list of potential readers who might consider pre-ordering the book, your support will help me win that publishing deal!

Thanks for visiting my site and for signing up!

Michael Trigg